Rules for pimpmyfirewood

The wood must be firewood, waste wood or discarded wood, either green or seasoned.

This wood must come from the fire wood pile or be about to go into the firewood pile or waste bin.

Any tools can be used: traditional hand tools including stone, electric or even computer controlled.

You should supply a photo of your log before you use it and a photo of the finished item. Work in progress photos would be useful for anyone reading the blog, to understand and learn more about woodwork. Please feel free to write about how you crafted your item or any related stories or points of interest.

Measurement of the log is to be supplied.

This challenge is open to anyone, beginner, hobbyist, professional, from any country.

You can make anything.

To have your work included email me at, with photos and text.

Please include a few words about yourself or your business.

This blog welcomes suggestions, articles and other wood related material. We want to educate, entertain, and inspire.

Technical notes

Please supply good quality jpg images preferably no more than 1mb in size. I can edit them if necessary

Supply any text in word, notepad or as a text document. Copying and pasting text from an email can be a real hassle.

I may have to edit your work - if you want to see it before it is published then say so when you email us.

I am happy to include your web or blog address and even your email.

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